
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Review: Drat That Fat Cat! by Pat Thomson

A feline version of "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly" that will simply trip off your tongue--with a shoutable read-aloud refrain!
Once there was a cat, a fat, fat cat.
But was that cat fat enough? NO, HE WAS NOT!
He ate up a rat. He swallowed a dog. He even had an old lady for dessert (it's about time SHE got eaten!). But was that cat fat enough? NO, HE WAS NOT!
The adventures of this omnivorous feline are sure to inspire laughter and have young readers chiming in with the refrain. So will children be satisfied with just one reading?

We picked this book up from K's school library.

This is a kind of funny story. It reminds me of the Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, which K had asked me if it was like that. You have a cat who is greedy and ends up eating animals because they don't have food for him. A mouse, dog, lady and then a bee which makes him realize that bees sting!!! It is repetitive which is good for those reading. The pictures are colorful and drawn you in. I would recommend this for the younger ages on up. I would also say it is an easy read for those that are reading yes there are a lot of words on a page but they are not hard words at all.  

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