Title: Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump
Author: Carole P. Roman
Illustrations: Mateya Arkova
Published: July 19, 2017
Pages: 64
Genre: Children ages 8 on up
Review: Paperback received by author
Susannah Maya Logan is not having a good day. She doesn't want to go to her best friend, Lola's sleepover. Susannah thinks the house is big and spooky, not to mention the ghost that is said to live there. Lola's big brother, Kai, loves to tease Susannah with scary stories.
Throughout her day, she sees people deal with things that scare them. Her sight-impaired friend, Macy, is terrified of unicorns, of all things. She sees a boy at a party who's frightened of clowns. Her teacher is afraid of getting a cold. Susannah realizes everybody is scared of something. She wishes she was more like Lola, who is not afraid of anything, or so it seems.
Susannah discovers people have different ideas of what is scary and what is not, and only they can determine the difference.
Join Susannah as she learns to confront her fears and not let her imagination prevent her from having fun.
We received this book to give an honest review.
This was a good read for K to listen to. In the previous book we have Susannah who learns a good lesson of not hiding things and having things weigh her down.
In this story Susannah has a fear of not only the dark but of her best friend's house. It is said a ghost lives there and of course that is always scary. As we continue on with our story Susannah holds in a lot of fears that she has which she knows is not good but she tries to move on with her day. Yet she does see a lot of people deal with a lot of different things that scares them but she ends up getting great advice from her friend Macy. I think this is a good story for kids to read because there is a lesson within these pages even though it doesn't seem like it. The lesson is to confront your fears yes it is okay to be scared but don't let that fear control you to where you can not have a good time.
At the end of the story we see how Susannah confronts her fear and the surprise that comes with it.
K is at the age of he has certain fears of things that go on around him so for him to read in a story that it does happen to others is a good thing. He isn't alone and in this book it makes it easy to understand how to overcome something.
Another good thing with this book is the chapters not very long which is always very good!
This author does an amazing job with her stories she is one of my favorite kid author!
Named to Kirkus Reviews' Best of 2012 for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born."Captain No Beard- An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life" has not only been named to Kirkus Best of 2012, it received the Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award for 2012. "Pepper Parrot's Problem with Patience" Book 2 in the series, received 5 Stars from The ForeWord Review The Clarion Review. Strangers on the High Seas has won second place in the Rebecca's Reads Choice Awards 2013. It has followed with six more books to the series. This year, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis was named to Kirkus Best 2015. The entire cultural non-fiction series If You Were Me and Lived in... was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound. She has begun work on two new series that will be released in early 2016.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
Her nonfiction series, "If You Were Me and Lived in..." combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us. The debut book in the series, "If You Were Me and Lived in...Mexico" has won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children's Non Fiction 2012. France, South Korea, and Norway. Rebecca's Reads has given If You Were Me and Lived in...Norway an honorable mention in the 2013 Choice Awards. If You Were Me and Lived in ...France won second place. ForeWord Review has nominated If You Were Me and Lived in...France for best in children's non fiction literature 2013. They will be followed with Kenya, Turkey, India, and Australia. She plans to do Portugal, Greece, and Argentina next year. There are now 22 books in the series and include a trip to Mars in 2054.
Carole was recently featured in a two part article on Forbes.com where her book, Navigating Indieworld was discussed along with her self-publishing success.
Writing for children has opened up a whole second act for her. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.
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