
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Spotlight: Dinosaur boy Saves Mars by Cory Putman

Title: Dinosaur Boy Saves Mars
Author: Cory Putman Oakes
Release Date: February 2, 2016
Publishers: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Hardcover ISBN 9781492605409
Praise for Dinosaur Boy Saves Mars:

“Deft stimulus for both brains and funny bones.” –Kirkus Reviews

Dinosaurs, Martians, and mystery, oh my! Fans of Michael Buckley’s NERDS and Dan Gutman’s Genius Files will love this hilarious, action-packed adventure series. What would life be like if you were part dinosaur?

When you’re part Stegosaurus life can be a little crazy. (Yes, sleeping with plates is weird. No, dino-human hybrids donot have second brains in their butts.) But Sawyer’s life is normal(ish) -- until he’s yanked aboard a UFO and sent on a mission to Mars.

Sawyer, Elliot and Sylvie travel to Mars to find her missing father, but they find even bigger trouble. Mars is trying to kick Pluto out of the solar system. And the fate of both planets will be decided by the upcoming Pluto VS Mars soccer match. Of course.

It’s an intergalactic mess, and only Sawyer can save Mars, defend Pluto and protect the galaxy…

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We received this book to give an honest review.

K and I have enjoyed reading about Dinosaur boy. We started reading a chapter a night as the chapters were pretty long and so we wouldn't be able to read it all in one night.
Sawyer's grandfather makes a grand entrance to his school and enlisted not only his help but the help of Sylvia and Elliot to find Sylvia's father. He has gone missing. 
While trying to find him they realize that there is more going on in space as there is a big soccer game coming up.  With this game there is also talk of banning the pultonians from the Intergalactic Soccer Federation which is causing quite a stir.  
We get a lot of adventure with Sawyer and his friends as they find out what really happened to Sylvia's dad and they try to save the day before both the plutonians and martians collide.  We also get to learn a bit more about Sylvia in this one and how everyone on Mars really knows her which was really cool. 
Not only are they dealing with all this but Sawyer has to find his passion for a paper he has to write at school. This led to a discussion with K on what his passion was. I really liked how the author included how people feel when they are left out of things and seem to be different than those around them. 

Will this trio save the day before things happen that can not be reversed or will the ones trying to bring everything down win?

K liked the book because of the soccer and thought it was neat that the martians and plutonians got to play soccer in space. He also wondered if there would ever truly be a cure to changing Sawyer back to a boy. 
He did wish there were pictures in this book to help him know what everyone looked like. I told him well this is a chapter book and you are meant to use your imagination. 
When asked what was his favorite he responded with he didn't have just a favorite he liked it all. Though the soccer game was the best.
Can't wait to see what other things will be going on with this trio in the future. 

Excerpt from Dinosaur Boy Saves Mars:
“Everyone!” Principal Kline said, commanding our attention from the top step of the administration building. “I’m afraid there’s been a mix--up. Last night, an unauthorized user gained access to the school’s administrative account and sent an email to all the fifth-grade parents. Our school website was also tampered with. There’s no school today. It’s not a ‘makeup day’ or anything like that. Please sit tight while I send out a corrected email and call all of your parents. It might take a while.”
“The school got hacked? Who would do that?” Sylvie asked. From all of the chatter going on around us, it was obvious that everyone was asking each other the same thing.
Elliot and I both sighed.
“Orlando must be back,” I theorized.
“He’s early this year,” Elliot pointed out.
“Who’s early?” Sylvie asked, crossing her arms. She hated not being the one who figured things out.
I pulled out my phone, but its battery was dead.
“Quick,” I said to Elliot. “Check the school Wi--Fi.”
Elliot dug his phone out of his pocket. Usually there was only one Wi--Fi network available on school grounds: JACKJAMESELEMENTARY (password: JackJames). Now there was still only one. But its name was: ORLANDOTOTALLYROCKS.
“Yeah, that’s usually the first thing he does,” I said.
“Who’s Orlando?” Sylvie asked.
“Orlando Eris,” I told her. “He’s in our class, but you haven’t met him yet because he lives in San Diego with his dad for the first half of every year. He only comes home to Portland after winter break.”
“Orlando’s obsessed with practical jokes,” Elliot added. “He even runs a blog. See?”
He angled his phone so Sylvie and I both had a perfect view of a website called Prankster King Orlando. Beneath the obnoxious red title and a big cartoon crown was today’s blog entry: a live--stream video of the front of a school, with dozens of kids gathered on the lawn.
It was us. Orlando was live streaming a video of us.
“That jerk!”
The shout came from Allan Huxley, who was also looking down at his phone. Until recently, Allan had been my greatest enemy at school. But we had come to an understanding after Sylvie and I saved him (and a good portion of the rest of our class) from taking a one--way trip to Jupiter. It’s kind of a long story, and we still weren’t exactly friends, but Allan and I had managed to coexist in relative peace for quite some time now. He hadn’t called me Butt Brain in three months and counting.
But hearing him yell like that still sent a chill down my plates.
As if on cue, the video feed paused and a picture of Orlando popped up in front of it. He looked exactly like I remembered him from last year: a black--haired, pasty--skinned kid in big glasses. He grinned at the camera and slowly held up a sign.
“Jerk!” Allan yelled again. Without warning, he started running toward a Dumpster on the edge of the grass, just as a small, bespectacled figure with a video camera in one hand darted out from behind it.
Principal Kline took off after them about a second later, running awkwardly in his flip--flops. Most of our class, including Elliot and Sylvie, started cheering Allan on at the top of their lungs.
But I didn’t. I was too busy thinking a rather out--of--place and very annoying thought: Orlando Eris may have been a jerk, but at least he had a passion. He probably wouldn’t have any trouble writing his paper.

 Dinosaur Boy

Everyone knows the dinosaur gene skips a generation.

So it isn’t a complete surprise when Sawyer sprouts spikes and a tail before the start of fifth grade. After all, his grandfather was part stegosaurus.

Despite the Principal’s Zero Tolerance Policy, Sawyer becomes a bully magnet, befriended only by Elliot aka “Gigantor” and the weird new girl. When the bullies start disappearing, Sawyer is relieved—until he discovers a secret about the principal that’s more shocking than Dino DNA. The bullies are in for a galactically horrible fate…and it’s up to Sawyer and his friends to rescue them.

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Cory Putman Oakes was born in Switzerland and grew up in California. She graduated from UCLA and Cornell Law. Since then, she’s been an associate at a big law firm, taught at Texas State University, and written several books. Cory lives in Austin, Texas, with husband Mark and daughter, Sophia. Visit Cory’s website at

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Twitter: Boy Book Packs

Runs February 1-February 29 (US and Canada only):

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