Author: Angela Yuriko Smith
Published: Sept.8, 2015
Publisher: A Brush with Humor
Pages: 26
Genre: Children ages 7 on up
Review: ebook
Buy Links: Amazon, Amazon.uk
A good book opens doors, as one little lizard discovers. He escapes his cage after learning to read, and goes on the hunt for new words. Next time you're at the library, keep an eye out amongst the shelves for a lizard reading about dragons. Everyone loves a good book, even little, green lizards.
I think this is a perfect book to read to children ages 7 on up. K and I read it at bedtime it is not very long and we loved the story being told. A lizard who ends up reading what kind of lizard is that? It is an awesome one. K wondered if we could buy him a lizard who could read so he could show his class what a neat pet. I had to let him know that it was all fake and that the author made this story up but it would be cool.
We both enjoyed the illustrations and I thought they were well done. The book is easy to read so kids can read this book by themselves if they choose to. I did love how he obtained a library card though I would wonder how would he carry it and books?
Angela Yuriko Smith publishes a monthly online newspaper by day (PanhandleFocus.com), blogs at Dandilyon Fluff (dandifluff.com) by night and writes fiction as often as possible in between.
Her published works include fiction and nonfiction across multiple genres and she has been included in various anthologies and online publications.
In the past she has served as a host for JournalJabber online radio talk show and has been interviewed on National Public Radio for her nonfiction work.
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