Author: Heather Forest
Published: Feb. 7, 2016
Publisher: August House Publishers
Pages: 175
Genre: Fairy Tales, Folklore and Myths
Review: Paperback provided by publisher
Buy Links: Amazon, Amazon.uk
Heather Forest s artful prose and keen curatorial selection brings an array of ancient tales of adventure, quest and heroics to life for modern readers. This multicultural anthology presents pivotal episodes from epic tales such as Gilgamesh, Beowulf, the Odyssey, the Ramayana, and more. The collection illuminates large-scale narratives that were passed on and preserved through the oral tradition long before being captured in written form by early scribes. With the publication of Epic and Ancient Tales, Heather completes her long awaited trilogy of Tales From Around the World including Wonder Tales and Wisdom Tales. These epic narratives remain relevant today as they provide insights into the complexity of human relationships and the intimate, personal journey of anyone seeking to understand the meaning of life. This collection of timeless stories includes Norse legends, Greek myths, Japanese folktales, Persian stories, Irish Ballads and Chinese lore. Offering a global overview, this anthology of concise retellings also provides endnotes with cultural and historical background to inspire readers further inquiry into these enduring tales."
We received this book to give an honest review.
K didn't seem as interested in this book like I was. I love reading about myths and folk lore that has been past on through the ages of time. I think the reason K didn't really enjoy the book as much was because it was so long and it was a bit more advanced for him.
The stories vary from Beowulf, to The Green Man (which that was one story that K did like a bit), there are stories from India which was neat. So it was not just Greek mythology but tales like it says in the title from around the world.
I would say this book would be better for kids maybe in the 5th grade and up or those that really like story telling and folk lore.
Questions and Answers with K
1. Did you like the book in general?
"Not really I didn't know much of what was going on and it was really long."
2. Did you have a favorite story?
"Yes, I really like the Green Man and how he gave the knight a test"
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